We had a family of popper fishing enthusiasts from France fish with us over Christmas. Pascal joined us every day with one of his sons and we set of on day trips searching for GT on popper. As this was one of the first 'Tropical Fishing' trip for the kids we toned the fishing down, fishing with smaller poppers, lighter setups, looking to catch many fish and species.

Pascal started the trip with a popper caught Barracuda that was released after a quick photograph.

We spent the week fishing off Havelock Island and Ritchie's Archipelago that's perfect for a fishing holiday especially for a family. Apart from some great fishing in the area there's a lot to do for non angling partners on land.
We were out fishing in some great conditions and had a wide variety of species. When the boys found the popper fishing difficult we switched to stick-baits with some awesome results.
We were out fishing in some great conditions and had a wide variety of species. When the boys found the popper fishing difficult we switched to stick-baits with some awesome results.
Darran & Akshay.