We were joined in Feb 2011 by Eva and Javier Rius accompanied by Nicola Zingeralli to fish with us in the Andaman Islands. Our trip was based out of Port Blair and we focused on popping and jigging. It was Eva and Javier's first trip to the tropics and they were very keen to catch the many species of fish we have swimming off our reefs.

Antonino hooks into a small GT that hammered his popper. A quick picture of the fish before it's released back to the sea.
A local fishing boat or dungi anchored in a bay. It's quite amazing how these simple craft head out to fish in all kinds of weather. We're lucky as most of the commercial fishing in the Andaman Islands is for the local markets and we don't have large scale commercial exploitation of our waters.
Above Andrea Pellegrini, from Italy with a nice GT. His biggest fish of the trip taken on popper. More about Andrea at his blog below and a super picture of this fish by Nicola Zingarelli who apart from being a great jigger is also an excellent photographer!
Eva with a grouper caught on jig!
Above, some of Eva's jigging action. We had a large number of species that couldn't resist jig!
Not wanting to be left far behind Javier landed his fair share of fish on jig. Most species being a first for him!
Alban and Eva with a jig caught trevally!
A double hookup for Javier on one of Alessandro's creations. Its not rare for us to have double hookups on popper and jig. The outer edges of reefs are patrolled by gangs of blue fin trevally that are often the first to whack a popper. It's a pity these beautiful fish don't get larger than they do.
The highlight of Eva and Javier's trip came as quite a surprise. While drifting off a drop where they were jigging they sent a small live bait down hoping it would get hammered by a monster GT or Dog Tooth Tuna and sure enough the bait got hammered in 5 mins. With the reel screaming, the hook was set and the fish fought in the most peculiar way till it crashed out of the surface in a series of spectacular jumps..... Black Marlin!
After a 30 min fight we had the fish by the boat and ready for some photographs of this unexpected trophy.
Eva and Javier pose with the marlin. We hope to have them back in the near future to fish with us from Havelock for a week to see a completely different side of the Andaman's. After a week of fishing with them we bid them farewell and started fishing the next morning with our next clients.
Darran & Akshay.
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